Sarah Elizabeth

It has been a very long time since I wrote free verse which was my poetry of choice in my previous lifetime. Today’s Writing Practice topic was: The skin on her cheek. I felt compelled to create a poem about the little girl who was always in my heart and on my mind, yet never to be born. Her name was picked to honor a great great grandmother I never knew and my paternal grandmother who left my life all too soon. I mourn her still, and I know what she looked like. Here is her poem.

Sarah Elizabeth

She’s brand new
Soft and sweet

A tiny thing – fragile
Constantly smiling


Always amazing
In her joy of life

A miracle
A true gift from God

She sleeps now
As I place a kiss

On the soft, pink
Skin of her cheek

Always, I wish you peace, joy and happiness, but most of all I wish you LOVE.

As, Ever Annie