
Poetry Slam Collection

Saturday afternoon naps~kidnap you for hours~refresh you for days©

Walking in the mist~grey~the world shrouded in silence~suddenly you appear©

I fell in love with your eyes~those grey eyes~eyes you can drink into your soul~and drown©

Suspended moonlight~not quite touching the ground~leaves us shadowed~private~intimate~free in our love©

Why does the starlight in your eyes~outshine the Moon ~ my Love©

Your sun kissed skin~warms my body©

There you are again~a glimpse from the corner of my eye~grey eyes smiling~a Wink~I blush©

January frost~holding back the sun~hiding the dawn©

You smell like the sun~skin kissed with summer breezes~freckles tasting of the sea©

Sitting along the edges~observing~waiting~wanting your love to find me©

That little boy look on your face~changes~as you unwrap my gift to you©

just the sound of your voice~makes things deep inside me~die just a little©

Soft sighs against my neck~just a taste~warm lips on my ear~I am yours©

Deep kisses~steamy caresses~windows fogged in endless passion©

Quietly you appear from the rear~gently turn me~and~devour me with your love©

Cold night~warm covers~steam rising~from glistening skin©

Slow dancing~bodies molded to the music~only we can hear©

Holding my arms above my head~pinning me~hot traces with your tongue down my body~sending messages to the core of my soul©

Originally posted 4/29/2013

Always I wish you peace, joy and happiness, but most of all I wish you Love.

As Ever, Annie